What is a Pacemaker?

A pacemaker is a small device that is inserted in your chest to send mild electrical impulses to your heart to maintain a stable heart rate. It is recommended for people who have slow or irregular heartbeats.

Modern pacemakers do not interfere with the natural heartbeat unless necessary. They are meant to slow down fast beating or fasten slow beats based on your condition. New types of pacemakers are also used to treat certain types of heart failure.

What is PPI?

Permanent Pacemaker Implantation or PPI is a procedure where a pacemaker is permanently implanted in the body to regulate your heartbeat. Before the procedure, you are given a sedative to help you relax. The insertion site, which is usually just under your collarbone, is sterilized and a small incision is made. A sheath is introduced into a blood vessel through which the pacemaker’s lead wire is inserted and advanced to the heart. The doctor will test to check if the wire is properly inserted and working. The pacemaker generator is implanted under the skin at the incision site and connected to the lead wire. The incision is closed using sutures or adhesive strips.

Why do I need a PPI?

PPI is recommended for people who have issues with their heartbeats. Irregular or abnormal heart rhythm can affect blood flow to your body, which can lead to dizziness, fainting, fatigue, chest pain, etc. Some examples of abnormal heart rhythm conditions include:

  • Conduction blockages leading to bradycardia or slow heartbeat
  • Tachy-brady syndrome which has alternating slow and fast heartbeats
  • Heart blocks caused by plaque and other reasons

If you are facing any of these symptoms, consult your cardiologist immediately.

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