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Dr. Kannan Ramaswamy has had a long and successful career spanning 27 years as a Gastroenterologist. His journey into the medical world began with an MBBS degree from the University of Madras, obtained in 1985. He then went on to qualify other medical degrees such as DCh from MGR Medical University of Madras, in 1989 and DNB from the National Board of Examinations, New Delhi, in 1992. These postgraduate qualifications were followed by an MD Degree from the University of Mumbai in 1992 and an MRCP degree from the Royal College of Physicians of United Kingdom, in 1997.

He has practiced as a Consultant Gastroenterology at St John’s Medical College Hospital, and Bhagavan Mahavir Hospital, Bengaluru


Monday to Saturday
4:00PM – 5:00PM

Dr. Kannan Ramaswamy


Consultant Gastroenterologist

has 27 years of experience

Dr. Kannan Ramaswamy has had a long and successful career spanning 27 years as a Gastroenterologist. His journey into the medical world began with an MBBS degree from the University of Madras, obtained in 1985. He then went on to qualify other medical degrees such as DCh from MGR Medical University of Madras, in 1989 and DNB from the National Board of Examinations, New Delhi, in 1992. These postgraduate qualifications were followed by an MD Degree from the University of Mumbai in 1992 and an MRCP degree from the Royal College of Physicians of United Kingdom, in 1997.

He has practiced as a Consultant Gastroenterology at St John's Medical College Hospital, and Bhagavan Mahavir Hospital, Bengaluru.

  • poster presentation on Transient Thrombocytosis after IV Cefataxine treatment at junior Irish paediatrics meeting at Wexford, Ireland (April 1999)
  • Poster presentation on 'Constipation & soiling' How are we doing? In Irish American paediatric meeting at killarney , Ireland (Sep 1998)
  • Paper submitted to National conference of Indian academy of Paediatrics efficiacy of combined immunization of tripkle antigen with measles vaccine and oral polio vaccine – A preliminary study (Jan 1986)

  • Inflammatory bowel disease
  • Paediatric Gastroenterology
  • Therapeutic Endoscopy
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