How Diabetes can affect your Eyes

It is globally well known that Diabetes is a silent killer and over a period of time affects many vital organs of our body. One of the important parts of the body which is extremely vulnerable to diabetes is our own precious eyes.

According to the best Endocrinologist Doctor in Bangalore, major eye disorders are caused due to uncontrolled diabetes. Before we get into those, let us just know a little bit about what diabetes is.

What is Diabetes?

According to well-known doctors working with Sagar Hospital, the best diabetes hospital in Bangalore, Diabetes is a condition in which blood glucose levels increase and can get abnormally high. One of the major causes of diabetes is the inability of the body to produce enough insulin, an important hormone, which helps in generating energy from the glucose we consume.

Diabetes can cause irreparable damage to the eyes leading to loss of vision at times. Hence, the best endocrinologist doctors in Bangalore insist that those who are diabetic in particular must get their eyes tested frequently in addition to the other tests.

Impact of Diabetes on your eyes

  • Cataract
  • Cataract is one of the most commonly heard eye disorders. However, sugar specialists in Bangalore indicate that though cataract is a natural degeneration of the eye lenses, those who are diabetic are more prone to have cataract early than non-diabetics. Cataract results in blurred vision and glares.

  • Glaucoma
  • The best Diabetologist in Bangalore associated with Sagar Hospital is of the opinion that like Cataract, Glaucoma is an irreversible eye disease caused due to diabetes. There is no sure cure for Glaucoma as it takes a long while to diagnose it and by then significant damage to the eye would already have been done. Hence, early warning signs should not be ignored and brought to the notice of an eye specialist immediately.

  • Diabetic Retinopathy
  • This is a disease affecting the Retina. Uncontrolled sugar levels can weaken your retina and lead to severe complications like retinal detachment or even total blindness. However, according to experienced ophthalmologists working with Sagar Hospital, regarded as the best hospital for diabetes treatment in Bangalore, early detection and proper diabetic treatment can reduce the risk of diabetic retinopathy.

  • Maculopathy
  • The macula is the part of your eye which helps you with the sharpest eyesight. Doctors working at the best sugar hospital in Bangalore indicate that Increased sugar levels can cause the macula to swell and lead to serious complications called Maculopathy.

  • Blurry Vision
  • Blurry vision is another disorder that is a result of high diabetes. However, according to the best diabetes specialist in Bangalore, usually blurry vision lasts only till an increase in sugar levels. In case you experience blurred vision despite a decrease in sugar levels then an endocrinologist’s opinion is a must.

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