Dr. Shilpashree Madhava K is a Biochemist at Sagar Hospital, Jayanagar, She completed her MBBS from Adhichunchangiri Institute of Medical Science, Bellur and MD (Biochemistry) from Kempegowda Institute of Medical Sciences (KIMS), Bangalore and has an experience of around 8 years at BGS Global Institute of Medical Sciences, Bangalore
An experience of five years working as Assistant Professor (Biochemistry) at BGS Global Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre, Kengeri, Bengaluru. Actively involved in Medical College academics, laboratory biochemistry and research.
C.S. Nagalakshmi, N U Santhosh, N Krishnamurthy, Chethana Chethan, M K Shilpashree. Role of altered venous blood lactate and HbA1C in women with gestational Diabetes mellitus. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2016 Dec, Vol-10(12): BC18-BC20.
Shilpashree M K, Krishnamurthy N, Nagalakshmi C S, Sharath B N. Small Group Teaching at Medical Colleges – How Good is this Approach? Journal of Research in Medical Education & Ethics. 2016 Jul; 6(2): 63-66.
Nagalakshmi CS, Ganashree CP , Krishnamurthy N , Chethana Chethan , Shilpashree MK
Deciphering the Clinico-Biochemical Mileau of Perimenopausal and Postmenopausal women with a note on beneficial effects of Yoga and Exercise. International Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Research 2016; 3(3):325-329.
Sharath Burugina Nagaraja,Suresh Shastri, Jaya Prasad Tirupathy, Ghansham Sharma,
Shilpashree Madav Kunjathur, Anil Singarajipur, Sarbjit Chadha, Prediction of Smear Positive TB Cases at Different Types of Designated Microscopy Centres. Karnataka.India. Journal of Tuberculosis Research .2017.5. 258-264.
B. N Sharath , M K Shilpashree, R G Menezes, A K Bansal. Tuberculosis research in Indian
medical colleges: has it taken a back seat?PHA 2015; 5(3): 202.
Shilpashree M K, Ravi B V, Vedavathi. Serum Lipoprotein (a) and lipid profile in Hypothyrodism. J Clin Biomed Sci 2014;4(1):235-39
Shilpashree MK, Krishnamurthy, Sharath BN. Evaluation of Vitamin D levels among patients with chronic low back pain attending BGS-GIMS hospital, Bangalore, India (Accepted for publication in International Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Research in October 2018)