April 29, 2020
The thyroid is a small gland shaped like a butterfly that sits at the base of your neck. It is one of the endocrine glands found in your body. It produces T3 and T4 hormones that regulate your metabolism. Here are the most common thyroid disorders you should be aware of.
This is a condition caused by an overactive thyroid gland which produces increased amounts of thyroid hormones. Hyperthyroidism is characterised by many symptoms, including:
Hyperthyroidism often leads to another condition called Graves’ disease. The growth of nodules on the thyroid gland can sometimes cause the gland to produce increased amounts of its hormones.
This is caused by an underactive thyroid gland which produces a decreased amount of hormones. Hypothyroidism is often seen in patients who are undergoing radiation treatment or have had their gland surgicallyremoved. The symptoms of this condition include:
This is an autoimmune disorder where your body’s immune system starts attacking the thyroid gland, causing it to overproduce hormones. It is hereditary and can affect people at any point in their lives. The symptoms of Graves’ disease are similar to hyperthyroidism. Since it is an autoimmune condition, there is no cure. But the symptoms can be controlled using beta-blockers and anti-thyroid medication.
Also called lymphocytic thyroiditis, this autoimmune condition causes your immune system to attack and destroy the thyroid gland’s ability to produce hormones. This leads to a decrease of thyroid hormones in the body which affects your metabolism. The symptoms of Hashimoto’s disease are quite similar to hypothyroidism, but treatment is different as this is an autoimmune disease.
This is a noncancerous enlargement of the thyroid gland and is most commonly caused by iodine deficiency. It is characterised by a tightness or swelling in the neck, difficulty breathing and a hoarse voice. Treatment includes iodine supplements or surgery to remove all or part of the thyroid gland.
Thyroid cancer is becoming relatively common, It is seen more commonly in women and persons over the age of 30 years, it usually presents as a swelling over the thyroid (though all swellings of thyroid are cancerous). Most thyroid cancers are treatable and even curable.